February 22, 2024
E-visa Problem

Got Vietnam E-visa But Passport Expiry Date Is Wrong: How To Revise it?

Are you planning a trip to Vietnam and have recently applied for an E-visa? Congratulations on getting your visa approved! However, what if you noticed that the expiry date on your visa is wrong? This can be a cause for concern and may even hinder your travel plans. But don’t worry, this article will guide you on how to fix this issue and ensure a hassle-free travel experience.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that the Vietnam E-visa is approved exactly as what you have typed in your application form online. This means that any errors made while filling out the form can result in a wrong visa. This can happen due to various reasons such as typos, technical problems on the government website, or simply not paying enough attention while filling out the form.

In such a scenario, it is natural to panic and try to contact the immigration department for a quick solution. However, it is important to note that there is no way to revise a wrong E-visa by yourself. This means that even if you apply for a new visa through the government website, it will take 3 to 10 working days to get a visa result, and the problem may still persist.

So, what is the solution to this problem? The best and most efficient way to revise a wrong E-visa is by seeking the assistance of a trusted and reliable visa service provider such as Vietnam-E-visa.com. Not only do they have years of experience in handling visa-related issues, but they also have a team of experts who can ensure that your visa is corrected and issued in a timely manner.

One of the main reasons why applying for a visa through Vietnam-E-visa.com is highly recommended is because of their exceptional customer support. Unlike the government website, which may not have a dedicated customer support team, Vietnam-E-visa.com offers 24/7 support to all its customers. This means that no matter what time of the day or night you encounter a problem with your visa, there will always be someone available to assist you.

Moreover, the process of revising a wrong E-visa through Vietnam-E-visa.com is simple and hassle-free. All you need to do is visit their website at https://www.vietnam-evisa.com/apply/  and fill out a form with your personal information and visa details. Once this is done, their team will take over and ensure that your visa is amended and issued in just 1 to 2 working days. This is much faster compared to the government website, where it can take up to 10 working days for a visa result.

Additionally, Vietnam-E-visa.com guarantees 100% visa approval, which means that you can rest assured that your revised visa will be approved without any issues. This is a major advantage, especially for those who have faced visa rejections in the past due to various reasons.

On the other hand, applying for a visa through the government website can be a daunting and complicated process. Not only is there no support, but there is also a higher chance of your visa being rejected due to various reasons. This can not only lead to a delay in your travel plans but also cause unnecessary stress and frustration.

In conclusion, if you have encountered a problem with your Vietnam E-visa and need to revise it due to a wrong passport expiry date, the best course of action is to seek the assistance of Vietnam-E-visa.com. With their 24/7 customer support, simple process, and fast visa approval guarantee, you can be sure that your visa will be corrected in a timely and efficient manner. Don’t let a wrong E-visa ruin your travel plans, trust the experts at Vietnam-E-visa.com for a stress-free and enjoyable trip to Vietnam.

If you have any questions or problems related to Vietnam E-visa, just feel free to contact us at info@vietnam-evisa.com . We will reply your email right after receiving your message.


想像這樣的場景 – 你已經申請了越南電子簽證,熱切地等待著你前往這個美麗的東南亞國家的旅程。 你完成線上申請流程,填寫所有必要的詳細信息,並最終獲得簽證批准。 但令你沮喪的是,你發現電子簽證上你的出生日期是錯的。 當你意識到你的簽證資訊不正確可能無法進入越南時,你開始感到恐慌和沮喪。 你嘗試聯繫移民部門尋求解決方案,但無濟於事。 那麼,你現在在做什麼?

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申请签证可能是一个令人畏惧的过程,尤其是在线申请时。 你小心翼翼地填写表格,仔细检查每一个细节,却发现你的签证被批准时,中间名有误。 令人沮丧,对吧? 这是许多旅客在申请越南电子签证时面临的常见问题。 但别担心,你并不孤单。 在本文中,我们将深入探讨签证结果错误背后的原因以及如何有效地解决该问题。

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申請越南電子簽證因其便利和高效而越來越受到旅行者的歡迎。 只需點擊幾下,你現在就可以獲得簽證,而無需經歷訪問大使館或領事館的麻煩。 然而,儘管過程很簡單,但仍然可能會發生錯誤,造成不必要的壓力和不便。 最常見的錯誤之一是電子簽證上的名字錯誤。 在本文中,我們將討論此問題背後的原因、如何解決以及為什麼你應該選擇 Vietnam-E-visa.com 來獲得快速、無憂的解決方案。